Monday, October 15, 2012

Review: Glade Expressions® Collection

So I am a BzzAgent and occasionally I am asked to do a review.  What's a BzzAgent you might ask?

Connecting people and their favorite brands since 2001, BzzAgent is the leading social marketing company. What's that mean to you? We put products in the hands of hundreds of thousands of real consumers and help them share their opinions about them with friends and family via reviews, Facebook posts, photos and videos, blog posts and more. We wouldn't call ourselves heroes, but it's okay if you want to.

So what does that mean for me?! I get to try out really cool products (sometimes for free) and give really great reviews of them. Being a BzzAgent is about helping friends discover new things. It’s showing off your favorite brands and influencing them with your feedback. It’s sharing opinions and starting conversations. It’s adding “Bzz” to the beginning of a bunch of words! 

So now that I'm done plugging courtesy of  My review today is of the new Glade Expressions® Collection. 

These air fresheners are the flipping No really, I'm dead serious.  I received my kit about a month ago and headed straight to Wally World (Wal-Mart for those not familiar).  Let me explain why is blue blazes I was so excited about this campaign.  I've been on a mission to find a air freshener for my home that last long, is not too strong and can effectively get rid of odors (I have a 9 year old Maltese who is really embarking (get it LOL) upon his senior years).  I've tried the big named brands and I've tried the dollar store version and have not been satisfied.  I eventually purchased the automatic air fresheners but it constantly startled my husband when it triggered and no one could ever remember to go get the refill once it was done. I think my husband secretly removed the empty can and hid it so I wouldn't purchase a refill but I digress.  I had high hopes for this being the winning ticket because we needed something and we needed it fast...even Matrix turned his nose up.

So I purchased the fragrance mist in Cotton & Italian Mandarin and the oil diffuser in Pineapple & Mangosteen. To tell you the truth, they were the only scents available at my particular Wally World and I would have loved to see the other scents that are advertised on the Glade website available.  Nevertheless, I will discuss the Cotton & Italian Mandarin first.

This had to be my absolute favorite fragrance because it was so clean but still strong.  I noticed that when I went back into the room hours later it still smelled fresh.  I even used this in my dog's bedroom (yes he has his own room…don't judge me) and it worked really great in there as well.  With daily use the fragrance mist didn't last an entire month which is definitely shorter than the other air fresheners we have used in the past.  I haven't purchased my refill yet (wanted to make sure I liked it) but I would definitely get more and keep at least 2 as back up.  They were very reasonably priced and even though I didn't have to pay for the one I reviewed I thought to myself that I would definitely purchase again even without a coupon.  I can say that I am in lub (love) with this and it will be a staple in the B household.

I decided to place the Pineapple & Mangosteen oil diffuser in our master bedroom.  The hubs and I are both big fans of pineapple and mango fragrances so I thought this would be a good idea.  I pretty much placed it on my dresser in front of our TV.  The idea of the oil diffuser is to place it somewhere where it would coordinate with your already existing decor but eh, we're not that clever.  It wasn't hard to put the diffuser together and I immediately noticed that it wasn't your typical oil diffuser with the reeds, etc.  This had some sort of flat panel that you placed into the oil which is hidden behind the beautiful decorative holder.  When we finally got it set up we could definitely smell the fragrance and it was really nice.  It's been a few weeks now and I can't honestly say that I can notice the fragrance in the room.  I don't know if the oil has finished or the scent isn't noticeable enough for me to recognize it.  I do like the set up of the oil diffuser and would try it again in the Cotton & Italian Mandarin scent to see if it's more noticeable. 

All in all, I think Glade hit the nail on the head with this product and I look forward to trying out more scents as they are available in my local stores.

For more information on the Glade Expressions® Collection please feel free to visit:

For more information on becoming a BzzAgent please feel free to visit

Disclosure: I’m a BzzAgent and received coupons to purchase items from the Glade Expressions® Collection to use.

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