Friday, August 23, 2013

Weh 'bout Ya Life?

I haven't checked in from my Life perspective since last December.  It seems as though I've been working on one project or another.  So let's see what I've neglected to share.  In November/December my grandmother passed away so I no longer have living grandparents on either side.  I was pretty down for a while about it because I loved all of my grandparents and now my future kids won't get to know how awesome they were.  Actually, I take that back, they will know because I will tell them.  So from January until May, I've been just doing the norm of going to work and coming back--writing a review here and there.  However, in May life got really good!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Ease on Down the Hallway (Hallway Series Part 1)

Weh di go aan?!  I've been a busy bee with a few things to update. I'll try my best to update more frequently but between getting things done in the house and working overtime I've been trying my best to keep this update.

So here's where we are in the house.  The last time I updated we painted the living room walls and trim.  You can read about it here.  We attempted to put up the moulding but it was really hard to do without the proper tools.  I'll explain more when we finally get it done but it is definitely a work in progress.  Right now I'm going to explain how we got here.

From here